
Name: Rowena
Sculpt (Company, sculpt name): Raccoon Doll Emma
Resin Color: Normal
Body style/size: Raccoon Doll slim body, large bust
Faceup artist : White Emma face up by Raccoon Doll
Eye color, brand, size, etc.: 8mm SI Safrin Icicles

Hair: Various Monique blonde wigs

Background: Still a work in progress. Will add more as I figure her out. Rowena was born to a human father and a mother who had 1/4 Elf blood. Rowena's grandmother on her mothers side was half Elf, therefor she retains enough elf blood to be immortal, or so they tell her.

Relationships: Along with her mother and grandmother , she also has a  brother called Brenton, and a sister in law called Aya, who has been a good friend since childhood. Her father is deceased. She is in love with Laurion, although her mother and grandmother don't think the relationship is a good idea, and are pressuring her to wed another. Abram, the man her mother would like her to marry has known her since childhood. She feels he is obsessed with her beauty, and has no thought to her feelings, wanting only a pretty bauble to adorn his home  and produce comely offspring. 

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