Sunday, September 29, 2019

Outtakes-Working Dresses

I thought I would do an aside from the storyline to showcase a new style top/dress I got for the girls from Robyn at Period Threads. Robyn and I had been talking about what style of clothing might the Misceo girls wear to "work",  as they certainly wouldn't be in long gowns when working.  The first wrap top Robyn made for Sabia was inspired by the Raccoon Doll outfit showcased on their Iris elf sculpt. While I like this style a lot, I thought it would be fun to have some variety.
Robyn came up with the idea of shortening the medieval style gown into a top. She re-worked it to shorten the length and I received the first batch in the mail this week. For Sabia, I had one made in gold panne, as I thought it would be a good choice for fall. Since she is a Misceo that blends with the forest, when the leaves start to change, gold would be a good choice to blend in the the leaves.
Our leaves aren't changing quite yet, but you get the idea. I love how it turned out. If the length was adjusted and lengthened an inch or so, it could even be a cute modern dress.
I received several other colors as well, a couple of them for Shy that will be shown later when I get around to changing her clothes. Sabia is pretty happy to have another addition to her wardrobe. Thanks Robyn!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rowena- Decisions, Decisions

Rowena's head was spinning...………...Laurion wanted her to leave her family and friends, and Fyrre and go to Astilve, the Misceo city for an undetermined period of time. Rowena had never traveled far from her village, and even then, never without a member of her family present. She sought out Aya, to talk over Laurion's proposition and get her friends advice.
Aya was not only her sister by marriage, but she was her closest friend. Aya had experienced the machinations of  Rowena's mother firsthand and understood her present plight all too well. If Rowena decided to go, she would need both Aya and Brenton's help in making sure neither her mother nor Abram would discover her destination.
Aya was of the opinion that Laurion really did have Rowena's best interest at heart, and Abram really was not to be trusted. She reminded Rowena that with no one to thwart him, he was not above using underhanded means to secure Rowena's hand. Best to remove herself from the situation entirely if given that option. "Think of what a grand adventure this could be!!" was her friends response. Rowena wondered, could she really do this? What if she really could help Laurion find the answers he was seeking? Maybe she needed to tell Laurion to start making his plans...………….

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Character Fun Facts- Koehlon

Continuing on with the character fun facts theme, I thought I would feature Koehlon in this next installment.
1) Most surprising to me about Koehlon is I don't think he truly wants to ever be King. He does however have a very strong sense of honor and duty, therefor accepts his responsibilities and takes them very seriously, even if given the choice he would gladly hand them over to his brother.
2) Besides his half brother Laurion, who he is closest too, he has 2 other siblings, a younger brother and  sister. While he loves them both, as they are family, he truly doesn't like his sister very much. He finds her too self centered and frivolous, caring more about her next new gown or what jewels their father will provide than the people in their realm they are obligated to care for.
3) Koehlon has an air about  him that draws people to him, although if honest with himself, he prefers his own company or the company of one or two others he trusts. He does care about people deeply, and is a fierce advocate of those unable to protect themselves, but too many people surrounding him at all times makes him weary.
4) He truly loves the land, and prefers to spend any spare time he may have outdoors. If he could choose, he would live in a quiet place, away from the bustle of the keep,  where he could raise a family, with a wife of his choosing, and the land and his family would be his main responsibilities.

5) He despises deceit and untruth from those around him, and while he is not quick to anger, and when angry he is not explosive with it, sensing that someone is trying to deceive him can be the fastest trigger to his quiet, angry side. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

An Aside from the Story- Outlander

9/19- Just an Update to let anyone know that is interested, I did start a blog dedicated to my Outlander dolls. It's called " Outlander Doll World" and can be found in the links at the side of the page here.

Just thought I would take a bit of a break from the regularly scheduled programming to share some of my other FID/Raccoon sized dolls.  I've been a bit obsessed with Diana Gabaldon's Outlander since I first read the books, a couple of years before the TV show aired. I have shelled quite a few of the characters with full sized BJD's, but since the smaller ones are so much easier to take outside for photos and manipulate for photos inside as well, I shelled Jamie and Claire in the mini sizes a couple of years ago. They have their own album (as do their larger counterparts) in my Flickr albums linked in the side bar. Since yesterday was so beautiful, I decided to take these 2 outdoors for some photos, and thought I would share them here.
Most of their clothing is by my very talented friend Robyn at Period Threads (her link is also in the sidebar).  The exception is the knitted pieces, which I did.  My love of Outlander inspired me to teach myself how to knit/crochet, as I wanted items in doll scale for Claire. Jamie's wig is by Chewin.
I have recently shelled Brianna in this size too, who plays double duty as "Aya" in the Glade. Interestingly enough, I don't have Brianna in the larger size. Still debating as to whether or not I want to shell Roger in this size.
I wonder if I should to start an "Outlander" theme dolly blog to give these dolls a place besides Flickr to come out and play more often.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Laurion- The Talk

Well, she offered him a seat, that was a good sign. Laurion apologizes again for his tardy arrival, and explains he had some details to work out with Hauk before he could come before her with his plan. He assures her she was not forgotten, that she has been foremost in his thoughts since her missive arrived. They have much to discuss...……………...

There is no way he will see her betrothed to another while he draws breath. He feels he has her convinced of that fact. Now to convince her that removing her from her present circumstances is the best option to deflect both Abram and her mother, until they can be mated or wed.

Laurion explains about Astilve, and Hauk's agreement to find her a place there for a few months. He explains the wealth of information available to them at the Scola Alte, and how this information might help him discover more regarding the mystery that is his mother. Rowena can be of great help to him there, and stay safe from her mother's interference at the same time,  while he makes a final endeavor to uncover more information regarding his heritage. He understands it is a lot to assimilate, and assures her of his love. He has spoken to Brenton as well, assuring him of both his love and his intention to marry his sister, and feels they have his support.

It is her decision to make, he won't force her. Rowena has not traveled far from her village, leaving her family and friends for an unknown period of time, to travel miles away, is asking a lot of her. There is nothing to do but give her the time she has asked for to make her decision. He hopes for both of their sakes she understands his plight, and makes the decision favorable to both of them.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Nan- Dream or Vision

The presence was like Koehlon...…………..yet different...…..this man, this elf had much power. What was in his hand? An amulet of some sort?  She didn't think it was a weapon.  She felt no malice with his power. And there is someone else there as well, a woman? Yes...……..she thinks it is a woman. A woman who cares deeply for this man.  Nan finds herself startled awake by the howling wind outside her window. The dream is coming more frequently, but she can never see faces, only the back of the man's head, and the tips of his ears, along with the presence of another, hidden from view in front of him.

The impressions of those in the dream linger with her. When she first had the dream, she thought the man might be Koehlon. The feeling of his presence was similar, yet tonight while he felt similar, he was not quite the same. She felt extreme power from this man who was invading her dreams. Power unlike Koehlon's. Previously, she could not sense much at all about the other presence. Tonight, she felt much love for the man coming from the other entity, which lead her to believe it was a woman.

Was this just a dream? Or a vision? It felt more like a dream than one of the visions she has of the humans chasing her...……….those come upon her suddenly,  and many times, during the day. She loses track of time when they happen, and feels weak and fearful in their aftermath. This "dream" she will call it, feels different. She feels no alarm, or fear upon wakening...………….....……….and it comes to her at night, while she sleeps. This is  however the third time she has had it this week, does it mean something?  She feels that it does, although she doesn't want to tell anyone until she can glean more information.
For now, she needs to get some more rest. She feels the rain is coming.......the soothing sound of the rain always relaxes her and helps her to sleep.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Short Aside- Aya Introduction

I've wanted to give Rowena a confidant for a little bit now. Another female that she can commiserate with, but I knew the character wouldn't be part of the regular story line or be seen often enough for me to buy another doll to fit that role. I decided that I would change up my FID Grace, who I actually bought to give Nan her own body , that didn't work out as the neck was too long for my liking,  so she has been playing "Brianna" in my Outlander doll world.  I don't do as much with those dolls at present, so I thought it would be great to use her a bit more. I changed her wig and redressed her and Wala, Aya was born...…………………..
Aya is Rowena's sister in law, and best friend. They have grown up together.  Aya fell in love with Brenton early on. He finally realized she was more than his sisters best friend,  and they were married a couple of years ago. Aya has a tenuous relationship with her mother in law, a point she and Rowena can commiserate about at present. Since I have no plans to shell Brenton for now (Rowena's brother),  Aya will just pop in and out occasionally when the situation warrants it. I just wanted to give her a short introduction.  I LOVE how versatile these dolls are. A change of wig or eyes can make them appear totally different.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Rowena- Letting Off Steam

She heard Brenton's voice and then the door closing. Turning around to greet him...…………….she was confronted with a different "him" than the one she was expecting.
Laurion……………… had been almost 3 weeks since she had sent for him. The pressure from her mother was increasing. Brenton had been able to intervene so far, and convince their mother to cease the coercion she was exerting over Rowena to accept Abram's offer of betrothal. Abram knew she wasn't in love with him. He was a stubborn man though, and had set his sights on her when they were younger, no matter that she didn't return his affection. Now that he had gained favor with her mother, he was most vexing in his efforts to secure her hand. He didn't seem to care she was in love with another.  He cared more for her beauty, than her feelings. She couldn't be tied for the remainder of her days to a man that shallow. She would be no mans  trophy.
Of course, at the moment, she was a bit vexed with Laurion as well. His mind was so occupied with discovering the mystery surrounding his mother, that she was a feared by the time he saw the clear picture of the straits she was in, it would be too late for them. If Abram didn't get his way soon, she wouldn't put it past him to use unfair advantages in securing his preferred outcome, no matter her feeling in the matter. Now Laurion finally stands before her, holding out his hand as if they don't have a care in the world. Does he expect her immediate forgiveness for his delay in responding to her need of him? With no explanation as to what kept him? She has a few more things to say first...…….
As her steam starts to evaporate, she realizes that her fear is the greatest impetus behind her anger.
She also realizes she has allowed Laurion no pause big enough in her tirade to offer an explanation of his own.
As she takes his hand and he pulls her into his arms, he offers, "May I talk now? We have much to discuss."

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Shyama- On Her Way

When Shyama received the missive from Hauk, she welcomed the chance for a distraction from the dead end that she was facing in her search for information regarding Silvius. Shy had never been to the Glade, but she had heard stories of its beauty, and was looking forward to seeing it. She also eagerly anticipated seeing her old friends, Hauk and Sabia, as well. It had been too long.  She traveled better and faster in the shadows of early morning and evening, but she sensed no danger so felt safe to travel a little further on this crisp, cool morning. Just one more check to make sure she was going in the right direction.
Aspen, her owl that she had raised from an owlette after finding him injured  in the grove of Aspen trees surrounding the home she sometimes shared with her brothers, was anxious to move on.  She estimated another day or two of travel then she would give him the go ahead to fly on to the Glade and alert Hauk and Sabia of her imminent arrival.
Babysitting a human was not her idea of the ideal assignment, she preferred more of a challenge, but if Hauk asked it of her, he must feel it was an important task. She would find out more when she arrived. He did mention taking the human to Astilve. She always enjoyed visiting the city, and her brother was presently there so it would be a chance to see him as well.

"Onward Aspen, I'll be shadowing you."

Monday, September 2, 2019

Hauk- The Wrong Thing to Say

One of Hauk's favorite things to do is spend a morning with his Exori, just walking  near the creek on the far west side of the Glade. This morning had started well.  Sabia was telling him about Nan, who she really seemed drawn to. She had put out some feelers within the Misceo network to try to get a lead on where Nan originated, and if anyone had any information as to how she may have come to be near Glade borders. She also wanted to investigate the "Others" living within several days ride of the Glade to see if there was a connection.
 Laurion's plan for Rowena was reviewed, and Sabia actually thought it had validity if he the girl agreed.  There were many resources in Astilve. It might be possible there was a stone unturned there that could shed some light on the mystery surrounding Laurion's mother. Rowena could be kept busy during her stay there helping with that task.
They also discussed Shyama's arrival. He was hoping she would arrive within the next fortnight, and if luck was with them she would have news from Nox regarding Silvius. Hauk  then made the mistake of mentioning Shy's bird, as her bird always seemed to arrive before she did……he knew as soon as he said it, that it was the wrong thing to say. His fierce Exori, who could drop a man his size before the man even knew what had come upon him,  had an aversion to birds...…….that bird in particular.  
It never failed to amuse him how just the mention of that bird caused  goose flesh to break out on Sabia's arms, and shivers to go up and down her spine. He HAD learned to control his laughter at this response over the years...……………..but he didn't always control his smile quickly enough. Yes, his "wildcat" was going to make an appearance.
A change of subject, and an apology were definitely in order if he wanted to salvage their walk...………...he did  admit to himself however , that he rather enjoyed having his feisty "wildcat" come out to play on occasion.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Character Fun Facts- Laurion

I thought it might be fun to take a break from the story now and again and provide some "Character fun facts"...………I have been keeping a journal for my main characters with notes about their character that can relate or not directly relate to their storyline. During my down time from the actual story, I thought it might be fun information to relay to anyone else out there that may be reading.  It will be a good resource for me as well to have the information within the confines of the blog.  I have short bios on the side of the page for each of the main characters. This information will be in addition to that. I'll start with Laurion as he has been the subject of my musings this morning.
1) Laurion loves horses and is very good with them .  In fact, much of the time he loves the horses more than many of the people he is surrounded by.
2) He dislikes hunting. He is very skilled at it, and he knows it is a necessity for many reasons, but if he is honest with himself, he dislikes taking the life of another living creature he deems innocent.

3) Deep down he is insecure about the fact he is "Datto", or bastard. He feels unworthy of Rowena's love because of this fact.
4) He is extremely loyal, once that loyalty has been earned, but he follows no one blindly out of duty or tradition. His brother Koehlon has earned the full measure of his loyalty.
5) While he may understand the logic behind the Elves practice of arranged mating's, he abhors it and feels no one should be pressured into a union, for the span of ones whole life, with a mate not of his/her own choosing. Some (most especially his father), may say his thoughts are born of a romantic nature and not of practicality.  Laurion disagrees, as elves, even part elves,  can live VERY long lives.