Saturday, October 10, 2020

Group Shot

 I got ambitious last week and decided to take a group shot of my FID Glade girls all together. Group shots are really hard for me with more than a couple of dolls. I was fairly pleased with how this one turned out.

I didn't get any close ups of the girls in back I liked, but I did rather like this one of Kalysta (grey Mari) and Nieves (white Isabel) together.

I then did a shot of Nan with Kalysta and Nieves as they grew up together as friends.

Next I guess I need to get all the Raccoon Doll girls from the Glade together.


  1. Great shots! I have trouble with group photos, too. Someone always has part of her costume turned wrong, or her wig has slipped, or like a little kid someone is looking off in the wrong direction. It's a lot like photographing a group of people. :D Can't wait to see the Raccoon girls together.

    1. Thanks! Yes, getting them all looking at the camera is a true challenge! Then trying to get them all in focus. Guess that is why I don't do big group shots often. Hopefully next week I can get the RD girls all together.
