Monday, September 21, 2020

The Queen

 Queen Genevieve, just because.


  1. She's lovely. Sometimes I wish your photos were a little larger. Just because.

    1. Thanks! If you click on them do they come up larger? Or is that just when you are on a computer and not on a tablet or phone?
      I'll have to see if I can change the settings to how they upload to make them a little bit larger.

  2. Aha! It didn't occur to me to click on the photo. It did enlarge. Of course I'm on a computer so I don't know if it also works on a tablet or phone. I must say, the larger version is even more stunning.

    1. Oh good!! I know so many folks only use tablets or phones these days, but I still enjoy my laptop best for perusing doll pics, lol. Glad you were able to see the bigger photo, and thank you for the compliment!!
