Elves, Half-Elves, Druids, Humans and Misceo People reside In the Glade and its surrounding areas...….a Fantasy world inhabited by Iplehouse FID and Raccoon Doll characters
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Friday, January 21, 2022
Some More Ganllon
I ordered a bunch of wigs in for Ganllon as I was still trying to find the look for him that clicked for me. I played a bit today and ding, ding, ding............................finally found a winner I think. This was actually a wig that I ordered as kind of a fluke because the color I was originally looking to get was no longer in stock. This one is light peach blonde with ginger brown, Monique Gold Paris in size 6/7 (as I've mentioned before Jude has kind of a big noggin.)
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Ganllon (Elf Jude)
You could say I have a bit of an obsession with SartoriaJ's Jude sculpt. I have quite a few of them, although several of them are just heads that share bodies with other dolls. I did a fun collage of all my current Jude's this morning, just to see them all together and compare their differences. One of them, my first is in the larger scale, the rest of them are in the MSD scale.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Figuring Joran Out
I've been playing with Joran quite a bit today trying to figure him out. I bought a few Leekeworld wigs with him in mind. The first one I tried on him was called blackberry with pure purple (the color).
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Last summer I went a bit gaga when SartoriaJ released their fog gray dolls. Jude is the first to arrive from that batch of dolls. I got both the elf and human heads. The human head came on the body, so he got my attention first. To be honest, he was the one I was looking forward to the most, as I got him with the Elf Dominic face up and I was very interested to see how he would turn out. I have to admit I don't think he could have turned out much better!! I'm so thrilled with him.
Monday, January 3, 2022
TIme in Her Chambers
Just spending some time with Rhi, since we got a new dress and she hasn't had any attention for a while.