You could say I have a bit of an obsession with SartoriaJ's Jude sculpt. I have quite a few of them, although several of them are just heads that share bodies with other dolls. I did a fun collage of all my current Jude's this morning, just to see them all together and compare their differences. One of them, my first is in the larger scale, the rest of them are in the MSD scale.
Interestingly enough, my original mini Jude head, the one in the bottom left corner with the LeStat face up, his head is a bit smaller than the other MSD sized Jude's. I imagine is because he was sized to fit the Iple FID bodies. He was introduced before SartoriaJ started offering their own bodies. Ryland, the LeStat Jude, is a firm 5/6 in the wig category. He has no problem wearing all my Monique 5/6 wigs. Once SartoriaJ started producing their own bodies they must have scaled up the head a little bit, as my 2 fog heads and Lobo, my amber beige Jude on the althetic SJ body all have heads that are more in the 6 range. My 5/6 wigs pop right off their heads. I have ended up using 6/7 wigs for them. But I digress, when I purchased fog gray Jude this summer during SJ's sale I opted to get both Jude's human and elf heads. I highlighted Joran (fog gray human head ) earlier. I'm now trying to finalize my elf Jude's, who I'm going to call Ganllon, final look.
I knew I wanted him to have a bit of an otherworldly vibe so I chose these Masterpiece Feather eyes. They certainly gave him the desired result of being a bit more "other". The first wig I tried is the gray wig in the bottom of the above photo. While I like the color on him, I'm not sure of the big rolled curls. The second look I tried is the Monique Paris wig below in a red brown shade. I love the style because his ears peek out easily and it fits his head well. I like the color, but I don't think the color would be my first choice.
Unfortunately, I don't have any other colors of the Paris wig in size 6/7, but I did discover while perusing the online dolly sites last night that Facets had a white blonde Paris in stock in the appropriate size, so I tried the wig below on him just to gauge if I thought I would like the color. I'm not a big fan of the style in the white blonde wig below, but it is a size 5/6 wig I shoe-horned on his head, so that may be part of why I don't like it. It just appears to look a bit
too unkept. I do think I like the color ok though.
I have a couple other styles coming as well to try on him. I'm still trying to figure out how his character fits into things as well, so more experimentation may be in order, but experimenting is half the fun.
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