Monday, August 26, 2019

Hauk- A Mulish Demeanor

A head like a mule...… that what the humans say? Well, whoever said it first must have had an encounter with Laurion. The man could be one of the most stubborn, vexing people Hauk had ever encountered, when he set his mind on something. He was his father's son, there was no doubt in Hauk's mind.

Hauk supposed it was the human side of Laurion that had him so fixated on discovering more about his mother. Hauk too grew up without a mother, she also died in the birthing bed, but he had no strong desire to find out more about his origins on that side of his parentage. There could be no good to come from it. The King was keeping his counsel for a reason other than embarrassment regarding his unfaithfulness to the Queen, Hauk would bet his reputation on it, and his reputation was not an asset he bargained with lightly.

Could Laurion not see that putting off mating Rowena, to go on a fool's quest regarding his mother, might not only further stir up a hornet's nest best left unprovoked with his father, he may well come back to find Rowena wed to another, as a result of her mother's machinations? Of course, Laurion's solution to his dilemma with Rowena was to move her out of her mothers reach, to Astilve, to await his return. Laurion felt sure Rowena would agree if he talked to her. While Astilve was a Misceo city, there were humans that resided there as well. He knew Hauk and Sabia both still had strong connections in Astilve, and they could make sure she would be safe there until he could return and take her for his mate. 

So as not to raise the King's suspicions, Hauk would have to put out feelers within the Misceo network to find someone he trusted that would be willing to assist Laurion in his quest. He would talk to Sabia regarding Rowena.  In the meantime they needed to make their way back, he heard someone coming.


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