Saturday, August 31, 2019

Laurion-Best Laid Plans

The morning was crisp and cool, a good morning for riding, now that the fog was starting to lift a bit. He left at daybreak, hoping to reach Fyrre, the town in which Rowena lived, before mid day. He was making good time.

Rowena is going to be angry. He meant to get  to her sooner, but circumstances out of his control prevented his leaving to see her before now. He felt sure Hauk's help was enlisted IF he could convince Rowena. Hauk made it clear that if they sequestered her in Astilve, as Laurion was requesting,  that it had to be of her own free will.

Laurion knew she didn't want to marry another, and he knew that Rowena's mother was pushing her towards that conclusion. The intended groom, Abram,  was also most anxious for Rowena to comply with her mother's wishes. He felt Rowena couldn't hold out much longer against the two of them.  If he could just gain some more time he felt sure he could find a break through in the mystery surrounding his mother, and get some of his questions answered. Then he could go into a union with Rowena without the present doubt, regarding his origins, clouding his mind.

Laurion calculated he had about a fortnight before they would have to leave, before the guide Hauk sent for would arrive. If he could just plant the seeds today, he had another few days before she had to be fully convinced  that his plan was the best way...……….If she was in Astilve, she was out of the reach of her mother and her intended betrothed. Rowena's brother, Brenton, had always been her champion. He would talk to Brenton as well and convince him this was the best way. Not much longer now, he was almost upon the path marked by the three towering fir trees.

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